The PAT model uses the estimated location of home range centres of territory-holding eagles, terrain features and habitat information to predict areas likely to be important for territorial eagles. It can be used to assess the likely impact of developments, including windfarms, hydro-electric schemes and new forestry on territory-holding eagles.
The PAT modelling facility was developed as an extension to ArcView by D.R.A McLeod. Further details on the PAT model can be found here;
Guidance from Scottish Natural Heritage on assessing effects of wind farms on birds recommends the PAT as a useful supplementary tool in investigating potential effects of developments on resident eagles (SNH 2014).
NRP regularly undertake PAT modelling for renewable energy developers using our bespoke model. Eagle range use can be predicted and the likely effects of development can be assessed relatively quickly. PAT model products allow the likely effects of developments on eagles to be explored early in the development stage, improving design iteration and cost efficiency.